A) Introduction of Zakat Calculator

Zakat calculator is a feature available in the myASNB portal/app that allows users to perform zakat calculation for their investment in ASNB unit trust funds.

The zakat calculator is accessible to all unitholders who have registered as myASNB portal/app users.

B) Zakat Calculation

Yes. ASNB investment must reach a minimum duration at least 12 months (complete haul) within each calendar year to fulfil the haul period requirement for zakat calculation.

The ‘Nisab’ is the minimum amount of wealth that a Muslim must owned before he/she is obligated to pay for zakat.

The total investment value will be validated against the ‘Nisab’ amount issued by the respective Pusat Zakat Negeri to determine the eligibility for zakat payment.

Zakat is only applicable to cash investment that meet the haul and ‘Nisab’ requirements. Investments in the form of ASB/ASB2 financing, Hibah (block amount of RM 1,000 only), EPF-MIS and blocked units are excluded in the calculation.

Zakat calculation rate is 2.5% from the total investment eligible for zakat (in RM). Calculation:
Zakat payable = Total investment eligible for zakat X zakat rate (2.5%)

The zakat calculation method is based on the state chosen by the unit holder. There are two (2) methods for the zakat calculation, (i) Ending Balance Method and (ii) Minimum Balance Method.

Calculation Method Ending Balance Method Minimum Balance Method
Description Using the total amount of investment in RM based on the NAV per unit as at 31 December for the calendar year Using the lowest investment amount in RM at the end of each month during a period of one (1) calendar year

Yes, the calculation can be backdated a maximum of three (3) years. For example, in 2024, zakat calculation will be available for 2023, 2022 and 2021.

Yes, it will be independent of their guardians but will appear on the guardian’s zakat statement. All the zakat calculation rules, including the ‘Nisab’ amount and haul period for unit trust funds are the same as for a normal/adult account.

Unitholder can download it via the myASNB portal/app.

The myASNB portal/app will prompt zakat error message(s) if any of the following criteria/requirement is not fulfilled:

  • None of unitholder’s funds are registered for more than one (1) calendar year (haul period)
  • Transactions are still pending for allotment of units (for forward pricing funds or cheque clearance)
  • The total investment holdings eligible for zakat assessment are less than the ‘Nisab’ amount.

Unitholders may contact the ASNB Customer Service Centre at 03 – 7730 8899 or email to asnbcare@pnb.com.my.

C) Zakat Payment

Yes, ASNB has been appointed as the zakat collection agent by participating Pusat Zakat Negeri.

As at November 2023, the participating Pusat Zakat Negeri is Pusat Pungutan Zakat – MAIWP (PPZ-MAIWP). Therefore, if unitholders wish to proceed with payment to PPZ - MAIWP, unitholders may do so via the myASNB portal/app and the zakat payment will be transferred to PPZ-MAIWP account.

Unit holder may pay zakat from the bank account via Financial Process Exchange (FPX) gateway in myASNB. Zakat payment will be deducted from the selected bank account and not from unit holder’s investment holdings in ASNB.

Yes, PPZ-MAIWP will issue an official receipt within four (4) working days directly to the unitholders’ registered email in ASNB. Unitholder may use the official receipt for tax rebate purposes.

Unitholders may contact PPZ-MAIWP at Hotline Zakat 1-300-88-5757 or email info@zakat.com.my

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